Anna Bignami
Award Winning composer and conductor
Winner of Aarhus Jazz Festival's talent prize 2023
Anna Bignami modtager prisen for sit virke som komponist og sit engagement, der beriger det aarhusianske musikliv blandt andet via de ensembler, hun har samlet i byen. Anna flyttede allerede som 18-årig fra Italien til Dublin for at forfølge sin drøm om at blive komponist og bigband dirigent. Rejsen fortsatte på Det Jyske Musikkonservatorium, hvor hun har udviklet sig i Aarhus’ levende jazzmiljø og nu studerer som komponist på konservatoriets solistlinje. Anna binder det lokale og det internationale sammen. Hun spiller med mange lokale musikere, men arbejder også allerede internationalt.
Med originale kompositioner og klangudforskninger viser hun sine egne musikalske veje. Hun har blandt andet gjort sig bemærket med sin rolle som arrangør på udgivelsen Tutku med Aarhus Jazz Orchestra og Kalaha, som var nomineret til en Danish Music Award, og hun har vundet en fornem førstepris for sit værk The Blue Fairy ved Sophie Desmarais International Composition Competition for Large Jazz Ensemble. Vi glæder os til at følge Anna Bignami i sin videre musikalske færd og ønsker et stort tillykke med prisen som Aarhus Jazz Talent 2023.”
Winner (open category)of the Sophie Desmarais International Composition Competition for Large Jazz Ensemble (2022)
Cette pièce a séduit les juges par la qualité de sa composition, son originalité, par ses jeux de timbre et textures pouvant être influencé par Gil Evans ou Maria Schneider, le tout créant une ambiance sonore à mi-chemin entre la musique de film noir et le jazz contemporain
2nd place winner in Big Band Composition Contest for Young Baltic and Nordic Composers
Anna Bignami’s composition Bread Wine and Sugar was awarded the 2nd prize in the contest. The final round performed by the Latvian Radio Big Band and soloists took place on December 5, 2024. The venue – Spikeri Concert Hall.
Press about "Nocturnes"
“Nocturnes” is a thoughtful and well-crafted album that successfully explores the musical and thematic possibilities of the nocturne in a contemporary jazz context. Bignami’s arrangements and compositions demonstrate a deep understanding of both jazz and classical traditions, resulting in music that is both respectful of its influences and forward-looking in its approach.
Finally I believe that “Nocturnes” positions Anna Bignami as a composer and arranger with a unique voice in the contemporary jazz landscape. Her ability to bridge classical and jazz traditions, coupled with her exploration of relevant contemporary themes, results in an album that is both musically satisfying and intellectually stimulating. Highly recommended.
Nocturnes is Out NOW!!!!
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Blinde Vinkler: Aarhus Jazz Orchestra x DJM
One of my original pieces “Seeking Refuge” was performed by Aarhus Jazz Orchestra in Rytmisk Sal Aarhus musikhuset on the 24th of April 2024 kl. 19:30
Play the clip down below!
BRICO Collective x Absalon String Quartet
Live @ Frihavnskirken in the heart of Copenhagen the 23rd of May, together with Composers Tom Irvine and Thomas Cortes, I will present one of my newly composed works for String Quartet.
The prize-winning Absalon string quartet will perform BRICO’s exciting original repertoire together with other contemporary works for strings.
Nocturnes: A suite for Jazz Sextet
One of the ideals of the romantic era was the insignificance of a single human life in comparison to the uncontrollable forces of nature.
In our everyday lives there are forces that we simply cannot control. sometimes it just feels like we are in the hands of others, governments, landlords, banks. They can make us feel small and powerless.
At night, we try to find peace and refuge; we take a moment to reflect and to wonder over the big existential questions. The night becomes for us an escape from the real world, even though sometimes reality comes back to haunt us.
Bignami Veltri Jazz Ensemble: Childhood Memories
Bignami Veltri Jazz Ensemble´s First EP: Epitaphs from the Hill
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